Monday, August 23, 2010

Research your dog before buying him and then train it properly

Researching your dog for energy is important.  The dog's energy has to match the family's energy if you want to be happy with your dog.  There are 4 energy levels.  Very high such as in a Chinese Crested, High such as a Vizsla, Medium such as in in St. Bernard and low such as in a Shitz Tzu.

Think of the dog first as an energy level, then think of the breed, otherwise both you and your dog will be off to a bad start.  The dog's energy is probably the single-most important characteristic that you must deal with.

This is a good site with 20 important questions about the dog's activity.  Select a dog

Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer has some good thoughts about the dog's energy and you. Dog's Right Energy

Training your dog is important too.  Avoid just buying a dog and trying to be the trainer.  If you don't have the proper techniques, you will certainly be struggling with your dog.  Get you and your dog off to the right start by taking obedience classes and practice at each occasion you have, 5 minutes at a time.  The following DVD will complement classes to give you a deeper understanding of the process.

I highly recommend the DVD "Living with your Dog" by Jack and Wendy Volhard Living with your dog.

Cesar Millan the Dog Whisperer has a set of 5  DVD that are complementary to the Volhard's.  Worthwhile getting at: Cesar Millan DVD on dog training

How I got my name Archer

I was named after Captain Archer of the starship Enterprise. I am told I am at this time more of an ensign.  But, I am the explorer of the universe and actively look to push my frontiers.  That is a a lot of fun.

Don't forget Captain Archer has a beagle called Porthos.

Porthos is Archer's pet dog. One of four males born in a litter of English Beagles, Porthos and his brothers, Athos, Aramis and d'Artagnan, were named after characters from The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, père. He has been Archer's faithful companion since the age of six weeks, and has remained so for the duration of Archer's 10-year assignment as captain of Enterprise.

Porthos was portrayed by a female beagle named Prada in Season 1. Afterwards, he was played by a further two female beagles, Breezy and Windy, although the character of Porthos remained male. Prada also portrayed the character Lou in the film Cats & Dogs. (from Wikepedia)

Porthos profile from Star Trek

So dogs are explorers of the universe after all!!!

Aug. 14 Pick up day from Onpoint breeders

Hey I was picked up from Onpoint's at 10:00 am on Saturday Aug.14.  I was 7 weeks and 2 days old and weighed about 7.5 lbs. This was an exciting day for the owners and me of course.  WOW...  I met my new fur Mom and Dad.  They seem nice enuf.  We played in the play pen for a little while.    They gave me some yummy treats made of blueberries and raspberries in oats.  Never tasted that before.  I even got a new collar.  I am looking very good in it!!!

I checked out my new pack leaders, sniffing, licking and even nibbling on their bare toes.  YUM.


Me in the play pen with my new chew toy


Me resting in the car on the way back home about 1.5 hours to Ottawa from Onpoint where my MOM, Run lives.  I am still dreaming about my 4 brothers and 4 sisters.  Maybe Mom too from time to time.

Me arriving home going up the deck steps.  Wow they sure are tall. But I made it with some coaching from my pack leaders. 

Daily routines go like this:

6:00 am Get up and go for potty
6:05 am Do a bit of training
6:10 Chow down some Orijen puppy formula and drink water for 15 minutes and run around the yard under supervision.
6:25 am Let it stew in my belly
6:45 am  Go out for potty.
6:50 am Play for 45 minutes with my toys and pack leader.
7:35 am Go back to the crate for about an hour.  My pack leader gets me every hour to do potty but then disappears.  He always come back every hour and I get some yummy treats.

12:00 pm Get up and go for potty
12:05 pm Do a bit of training
12:10 Chow down some Orijen puppy formula and drink water for 15 minutes.
12:25 pm Let it stew in my belly
12:45 pm  Go out for potty.
12:50 pm Play for 15 minutes with my toys and pack leader and run around the yard under supervision.
1:05 pm Go back to the crate for about an hour.  My pack leader gets me every hour to do potty but then disappears.  He always come back every hour and I get some yummy treats.

6:00 pm Get up and go for potty
6:05 pm Do a bit of training
6:10 pm Chow down some Orijen puppy formula and drink water for 15 minutes.
6:25 pmm Let it stew in my belly
6:45 pm  Go out for potty.
6:50 pm Play for 60 minutes with my toys and pack leader and run around the yard under supervision.
7:50 pm Go back to the crate for about an hour.  My pack leader gets me every hour to do potty but then disappears.  He always come back every hour and I get some yummy treats.
9:30 pm Play with my pack leaders and go potty one last time.
10:00 pm. Go to bed in my cool crate I sleep 8 hours.  

Sleeping.  The first nights I was pretty scared without my brothers and sisters and slept to wake up every  45 minutes.  I screamed but my pack leaders only listened and took me out every 2 hours  The second night I slept for about 3 hours before waking up when my pack leader took me out.  The third night it was 5 hours and now I can go for 8 hours straight.  I bet my pack leader is proud of me!!!   Yaaaah. 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Background on Vizslas

The Vizsla (English pronunciation: /ˈviːʃlə/ VEESH-lə, Hungarian: [ˈviʒlɒ]; English plural: Vizslasvizslák) is a dog breed originating in Hungary. The Hungarian or Magyar Vizsla are elite sporting dogs and loyal companions, in addition to being the smallest of the all-round pointer-retriever breeds. The Vizsla's medium size is one of the breed's most appealing characteristics as a hunter of fowl and upland game, and through the centuries the Vizsla has held a unique position for a sporting dog – that of household companion and family dog. 

The Vizsla is a natural hunter endowed with an excellent nose and an outstanding trainability. Although they are lively, gentle mannered, demonstrably affectionate and sensitive, they are also fearless and possessed of a well-developed protective instinct. (Wikipedia)    More from: Vizsla Wiki source

Height: Male — 23 inches (58 cm)
Female — 22 inches (56 cm.)
Weight: Male — 50 to 65 lbs (22.5-29.5 kg)
Female — Approx. 10 lbs (5 kg) less

Canadian Kennel Club Standards for Conformation CKC Standards
Vizsla Canada   Vizsla Canada
Canada Guide Dogs Canada Guide Dogs Description 
American Kennel Club Standards for Conformation AKC standards

Archer with his brothers and sisters.

We received updates on the puppies' by photographs:

June 27:

July 4:

July 13

July 21:

 We visited Onpoint's Kennels to see the litter on July 3 and July 31.

July 3 puppies:

 July 31 puppies:

Maybe this is Archer.  We only found out on August 14 which puppy was ours.

Archer, CKC name is "Runnin up a Fuss" born of Onpoint's Run and Rowdy!

Run and Rowdy are the mother and father of Archer, respectively.  Run and Rowdy live in Mallorytown Ontario, some 1.5 hours west of Ottawa Ontario in Canada. 

On June 24, 2010 they had a litter of 9 puppies, 5 males and 4 females.  Archer is one of the boys. 

Their first litter produced 6 females and 1 male on June 11, 2008.

Run's pedigree can be found at:

Her CKC name is  Onpoint's Tuff Won in Full Run
This is Run, my Mom,  below born April 2005:


Rowdy's pedigree can be found at:

His CKC name is Onpoint's Little Rowdy Star
This is Rowdy, my Dad,  below born June 2004:

Run with her 9 puppies June 24, 2010.